Care For Everyone

We are not limited to providing practical care. We are happy to provide a social service – anything from one hour, which could involved simply calling in and chatting to make sure everything is OK and provide a break in the elderly person’s day, to more practical help in tackling everyday tasks.

Your individual care plan is designed to help you to retain your independence. Your personal care manager constantly reviews your care programme to ensure that it continuously meets your changing expectations.

We can also offer these services adults over the age of 16 years old who need some extra help due to a physical or mental disability, services are tailored to their specific need and are bepoke to what their indvidual difficulties require.

Our individual approach gives adults of all ages the type of care that they wish. Young adults may like more help managing their social lives. Older adults may need more practical help.

Providing such a personal service, in a client’s own home, it is vital that the client has confidence in the carer. We take it that one step further. We know our carers very well, and we take time to get to know our clients very well. We take care to match carer and client, so that they can develop a rapport and, maybe share the same interests. This could result in shared social events and trips which enrich the life of a disabled person. With trust, genuine friendships develop.

Personal Services:

  • Help with getting up and going to bed, at the elderly person’s chosen times
  • Food shopping and cooking, with the emphasis on healthy food
  • Help with bathing
  • Companionship
  • Overnight stays
  • Cleaning and light housework
  • ‘Pop-in’ service to check everything is OK

Convalescence & Respite Care

Returning home from hospital can be difficult. Our flexible care programme can provide anything from 1 hour to 24-hour care, gradually reducing as a person becomes less dependent.
We can also provide respite care to allow a friend or relative acting as the carer some ‘me-time’.

Palliative Care

Our specialist team of palliative carers are familiar with the specific needs of a terminally ill patient and the need to support relatives and friends

Home Help

Choose from our range of domestic services which suit your individual needs:

  • Light housework
  • Laundry
  • Shopping
  • Cooking

Travel Escorts

We can arrange to accompany people to:

We believe in the importance of maintaining a social life to improve the wellbeing of an individual, so we are also happy to take people out to the cinema, bowling, a football match or to pursue any other social interests. Or, quite simply, to escort them to meet a friend.

"Abbey Care Services – with you at home."

Address 9 Ogilvys Close, Kirriemuir, Angus, DD8 4EX

Telephone Number 01575 570838

Email Address

Service Provider Number SP2006008253

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